(影音內容建議利用 Firefox、Google Chrome 瀏覽器,方能觀賞最佳內容) 學習英文最怕用中文思考,很多動詞如果從中文直接翻過來,聽起來就是怪怪的。今天我們要搞懂幾個最常用錯的動詞。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }
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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } ◎ 洗衣服(X) wash the laundry(O) do the laundry洗衣服的「洗」,在英文裡可不是 wash,而是 do 喔。→ My roommate helped me do the laundry yesterday.(我的室友昨天幫我洗衣服。)◎ 喝湯(X) drink soup(O) eat / have soup雖然中文講的是「喝」,但英文的喝湯會用 eat 或是 have 這個動詞喔!→ I like to eat / have soup before every meal.(我喜歡在每餐前喝湯。)◎ 吃藥(X) eat medicine(O) take medicine這可能是最常見的錯誤了,吃藥要搭配的英文動詞是 take 而不是 eat。→ You shouldn’t take medicine on an empty stomach.(你不應該空腹吃藥。)【希平方再加碼】◎ 寫日記(X) write a diary(O) keep a diary寫日記的「寫」不是 write,英文要搭配的字應該是 keep。→ I used to keep a diary when I was young.(我還年輕的時候,習慣寫日記。)◎ 節食(X) eat a diet(O) go on / be on a diet節食並不是用最直覺的 eat 這個動詞,而是要改成 go on / be on a diet。→ A: Do you want some french fries?(你要不要一些薯條呀?)B: No, thanks. I’m on a diet.(不用,謝謝。我現在在節食。)◎ 噴香水(X) spray perfume(O) wear perfume噴香水搭配的動詞並不直接是 spray 噴的動作,而是 wear。想像每個人噴香水的時候,都像穿上一層神祕的香氣斗篷一樣,就會很好理解囉!→ Mary doesn’t like to wear perfume.(Mary 不喜歡噴香水I88娛樂城。)◎ 查字典(X) examine a dictionary(O) look something up in the dictionary / consult a dictionary查字典的查可不是 check 喔!應該要用 look up,或是當我們把字典當成單字專家的時候,也可以用 consult 來作搭配。→ Our teacher asked us to look up these words in the dictionary.(我們的老師要我們去字典查查這些字。)→ Please consult a dictionary for the meaning of these words.(請查字典來了解這些字的意思。)【更多精采內容,詳見《希平方》】 Photo by Andrew Haimerl on Unsplash 分享 facebook
- Aug 29 Wed 2018 13:40
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