Easy English for the World生活英語+國中會考【餐飲篇】36★單字restaurant [ˋr?st?r?nt] n. 餐廳(國中基本1200字) #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }
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#div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 > div { margin: auto; display: block !important; }waiter [ˋwet?] n. 男服務生(國中基本1200字)waitress [ˋwetr?s] n. 女服務生(國中基本1200字)★實用字詞1. reserve 預訂、預約、保留,例如reserve a table(餐廳訂位)2. reservation (n.)也是餐廳訂位之意,例如make a reservationA woman is calling ABC Restaurant to reserve a table for dinner.一位女士打電話給ABC餐廳想預約晚餐訂位。 分享 facebook 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀I am calling to/make a reservation/for 5 (people).我打電話來/想要訂位/五個(人)。動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞And may I have a high chair for my child?考題練習:多益普及測驗+國中會考題型1. Why is the woman calling? (A) To say hi (B) Buy a chair (C) Reserve a table2. When will she come?(A) On Monday morning(B) On Tuesday night(C) At Wednesday noon 3. What did she also ask for?(A) A low chair(B) An old chair(C) A high chair解答:動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞And may I have/a high chair/for my child?另外可以準備/高腳椅(兒童椅)/給我的小孩嗎?考題練習:多益普及測驗+國中會考題型1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (C)實踐大學陳超明教授 編審英語教學博士張迪 編寫
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